By Xen
• 16/02/25 03:16 AM
• Updated 16/02/25 07:35 AM
There's no brush pressure, so country folks make do.
Noticing the issue
When you draw in, all lines are always the same size (your brush size), which might leave people used to brush pressure in fancier tools desiring more. Making sure your line art is clean and well-structured will save you time when colouring! Follow these steps to refine your drawings and make them easier to fill with color.
As shown in the image, I normally start with the initial lines, not worrying too much about perfection, but the ends of those lines are pretty ugly.
Cleaning up lines
This step can go in two ways based on if you have a transparent background or have already started colouring. If transparent, you can brush the eraser along each line at an angle to create the impression of brush sensitivity and pressure. If coloured, you can draw in the background colour to 'smooth' the lines.
Everywhere a line 'ends', chop it apart at an angle to create a smoother line down to a single pixel.
However, this can show a new issue - stray pixels. When drawing with a thicker line it's very easy to leave pixels in their own little island which makes colouring annoying later. I've circled spots with these pixel islands.
Final cleanup
By filling these points with your line colour, it will look a lot better when shown at full size, and you can fill with just one action, wow!
Simply smoothing out the lines makes a world of difference, and if you get into the habit of doing so and filling in any single pixel islands where lines meet, you will find it much easier to colour and finish off the pawprint.
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